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Public Health Image Library

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Results: 31 - 60 of 10,836 total results
This white ceramic plate had been topped with a he
With her shopping basket filled with an array of h
Woman shopping for groceries
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that have a h
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
This woman was photographed as she was shopping fo
This 1960 historic photograph depicted a nurse car
This photograph depicts a woman shopping at a mobi
The man and woman pictured here were in the proces
The woman pictured here was choosing an array of h
Food poisoning newspaper headlines
This woman was photographed as she was shopping fo
This is CDC Clinic Chief Nurse Lee Ann Jean-Louis
In order for a healthcare provider to measure a pa
Here, CDC employee, Terry Giles (left), was shown
Young girl opening a door
The woman pictured here was choosing an array of h
Woman taking temperature
This vegetable platter includes some very healthy
This man was photographed as he was shopping for g
This 2000 image depicted an elderly woman seated a
This image depicts a stethoscope lying atop a beig
Black widow spider
Physician and patient
This smiling man was photographed as he was shoppi
The hands of this produce shopper were holding up
This colorized negative-stained transmission elect
This woman was photographed as she was shopping fo
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
Woman on a treadmill
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